When you have a website for your business, it’s important to consider everything you can add or adjust that will make it as perfect as possible. Both for ranking and user purposes, as both are equally important when it comes to getting your business noticed in an increasingly crowded online world. If you don’t, then it’s likely that you will quickly fall to the wayside. Read on top six WordPress Plugins for Business.
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Top 6 WordPress Plugins for Business
If you have a WordPress-based website then this is relatively easy to avoid. For that reason, here’s the top half-dozen WordPress plugins which are ideal to help push your business to the next level in the online world.
1 – Really Simple SSL
In the modern world of websites, having your site meet a certain level of expectations is the only way to ensure that the way your website performs continues to be excellent. This includes having a certain level of security on your site.
A site which is not secure – i.e. it doesn’t have the HTTPS element to its web address – is disadvantaged in rankings and users get a notification to state it is not secure. Both of which can affect your site in the long-term.
Without a plugin, you will have to have a dedicated IP, buy and then set up the SSL certificate on your site via some level of coding knowledge. Whereas, with the Really Simple SSL plugin this is all much easier. You will simply have to buy an SSL certificate and then activate the plugin. With those two clicks, your site will be secure!
It won’t get your site secure for free, sorry that isn’t yet possible, but it does make it much easier for you to achieve on your own.
2 – CoSchedule
Keeping track of your website and everything going into it from a marketing perspective can be extremely difficult. Especially if you have multiple people working on multiple projects at any given time. Tracking and collaborating on all of these individual streams can be extremely important, but hard to actually achieve at the same time.
This is where a plugin such as CoSchedule can ride in to save the day. Quite well known in the marketing circles now, the WordPress plugin is invaluable when it comes to ordering and sorting your website schedule.
It can give you an overview of all blogs, content and media being created and added to the site. While everything can also be filtered and categorised, so you can see when you might be lacking one type of content over the other. Valuable to ensure you’re pulling in traffic from multiple sources.
The only problem with this plugin is that it isn’t free. At $40 a month for the basic package, however, it is extremely affordable. If you have a content-based website (webzine, news site, etc.), then it is worth investing in on the whole.
3 – Yoast SEO
The term search engine optimisation is in itself a bit misleading. If you practice SEO you are not directly manipulating Google, Bing or any other search engine. No, you are simply optimising your own site in order to try and promote the best possible results in these engines.
And in 2019, having good SEO on your site is more important than ever before. Fact.
So, this is why you need Yoast SEO. Used by professionals and laymen alike, the Yoast SEO plugin is above and beyond the most popular choice when it comes to optimising your site.
The plugin helps you to generate metadata, choose keyword focus for content and it even does a number of advanced features. Such as XML sitemaps, enabling breadcrumbs on your web pages, internal linking and much more.
On the whole, there’s a lot to love about Yoast and it can really benefit your website’s SEO. Whether you’re a small or big business, individual blogger or a big marketing agency – this is the premium plugin of choice. And all of the best features are free!
4 – WooCommerce
Selling on a WordPress website is a bit of a tricky beast, but it isn’t impossible. If you prefer the customizability of WordPress then there’s no need to switch to Magento or Shopify which are designed to be e-commerce friendly. Instead, all you need to do is install the WooCommerce plugin.
It’s the only official e-commerce plugin for WordPress and it can help to add more e-commerce functions to your site. And better yet, it’s free and there are no limitations to what you can modify.
You also retain complete control over your own data and store (which is actually one of the various downsides of Shopify in comparison).
There are plenty of Shopify vs. WooCommerce comparisons out there. But, if you already have a WordPress site then building a brand new one on Shopify isn’t worth the hassle. Just download WooCommerce plugin today and get selling!
5 – MemberPress
If you want to make your site member-friendly then – you guessed it – there’s a plugin for that!
Restrict pages, posts and other types of existing files from regular customers easily with the MemberPress plugin. It makes it easy to create different levels of membership for your site. This includes paid membership options, which it can also collect the fees for.
Depending on the level of your website this is always a feature which you can access or take advantage of later.
The real benefit for membership plugins, whether this one or others, is that it adds a level of automation to the process. You don’t have to manually approve or chase things as the plugin takes care of a number of important tasks for you.
6 – Zippy Courses
Do you provide courses or other forms of learning experiences on your website? If so, there could be a valuable plugin which you are almost certainly missing from your website. This is called the Zippy Courses plugin.
In their own words, it enables you to “create and sell course without tech headaches.”
And, for the most part, it does just that! It enables you to add an unlimited number of courses to your site (no paywall in sight), allows for other plugins to integrate, has an inbuilt payment gateway and can even implement tiers to your courses. Allowing you to give different content out at different levels, depending on the student and what they’re paying.
Unfortunately, for all it’s wonder the Zippy Courses plugin isn’t free. So you have to be pretty established or already making money from your courses to see a fast ROI for this plugin. It starts as high as $99 per month, so it certainly isn’t the cheap option. There is a 7-day trial option for $1 though – so definitely take advantage of that!
And there you have it! Some of the best Plugins to help build your business WordPress website from the ground up, no matter what you may or may not sell.
- Top 6 WordPress Plugins for Businesses - November 22, 2019