Any business – new or old – that wishes to be competitive in the market must have two people hired – marketers and web professionals. A marketer will oversee all the functions of marketing and web professionals will make a professional website. A website is very important if you want to stay in the business and grow not just offline, but also online. Internet has become one of the leading resources for people to find information, with business research being a leading reason to perform a search on the web.
Here are the reasons you must hire web professionals and marketing agency.
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Web Professionals :
A website that is excellently developed and designed will actually bring people to your door, get the phone ringing, and be a valuable asset to your business. Designing a website might sound like a piece of cake if you have know how on how to make a website or read few books on web development, or you have designed some web pages.
You might have skills and have worked pretty well, and by designing a website on your own will also save a pile of money but still you need a professional to do the job. The investment in a professional web development company really can pay off in increased sales on your site.
If you try designing the website yourself, there are huge chances that within 1 year you will have lost more revenue and goodwill than it would have cost to hire a professional. You might still be thinking that is it worth it to pay someone to design a website for you when there are so many options for doing it yourself?
Here is a list of reasons why going for a professional is way more fruitful.
First impression is the last impression
The moment somebody visits your website, they form an opinion that is based entirely on the look of your website. Whether you are offering the best services in the world or you have got the product that everybody needs, your website is the one that does the talking, telling the audience that you want to say. When you hire a professional to design your website, a good first impression will be left on your audience that will significantly be more positive.
A website lacking reliability is problematic
You design a website that might have went viral. One day, all of a sudden, you started getting error message while trying to make changes. People often face such issues when they are not professional and develop a website. Sometimes you add quotations, testimonials, etc. on your websites that are not credited.
Whenever you take idea or inspiration from someone else’s work or just write it as it is, it is important for you to cite the source. Majority of the people are not aware of citation styles, for such people citation generators are created. Citation generators cite your work online just by few clicks. If you want to cite your work in Vancouver style, just type Vancouver Citation Generator and hit “enter.” You will be provided with several citation generators that will cite your work instantly.
Better chances to showing on Google
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of your last concerns when you develop a website on your own. Without SEO, there are very less chances that your website will appear on the first pages of search engine, which means, people will find it difficult to reach.
A professional will design your website in a way that communicate the specifics of your pages to Google and all the other search engines. This way, you are far more likely to show up on the search bar. Traffic from search engine costs nothing so be vary or developers asking for hefty amount of money to optimize your site for search engine.
Marketing Agency
Mostly, small businesses start out with solo owners. Sometimes it’s out of necessity and sometimes it’s their own choice. As the business grow, they start enlisting help for one set of task to another. Eventually, they need to think about handling the marketing of the business. It can be a tough and often confusing decision – hire an outsource agency or hire an in-house team?
The most advisable in your situation is to hire an ad agency if you are a small business. Here are the reasons why…
It saves money
Whenever people are trying to determine whether to hire agency or hire employees for marketing, the first question that comes up in their minds is “What will be the price difference?” Well, much to your surprise, an agency will cost way less because:
You will not need to hire premium employees that have very high salaries. Here is the average annual salaries of key marketing roles:
Marketing Manager-$120,000 per year
Social Media Manager-$50,000 per year
SEO Manager-$60,000 per year
A team of experts
Now-a-days competition is fierce and companies are willing to hire a talent of high salaries. So, if you are looking to hire a marketing expert for your company, you need to set aside a huge budget to back it up. Although, if you hire a marketing agency, there will be a team of expert working with you, not just the one person.
The best part of hiring marketing agency is that they have already worked for big companies and their big projects and similar campaigns in the past. This means that they have a fine knowledge on what will work and what will not.
Marketing results are hit
A marketing agency looks closely at your goals and challenges and comes up with a strategy that meet the goals. Over time, they refine the strategies and stay up-to-date.
You hire a complete package instead of individuals
A marketing specialist, a content producer, social media specialist, editor, PPC specialist and a graphic designers – these are the people you will need to hire if you opt for an in-house marketing team.
If you hire a marketing agency, you get all of these benefits in the form of a single team for about the cost of one permanent employee.
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